About Us


Hi, and welcome to Cocoa and Shea Soap Co. my name is Ebony and I am the founder/owner and creator. Thank you for taking the time to want to get to know more about our Small (yet BIG) Business where we offer handmade soaps, scrubs, bath salts, body butters and creams.

I started Cocoa and Shea Soap Co in late 2019 when my toddler (and other family members) developed eczema patches. After countless days and dollars spent on trying to find the right product for his skin, I decided to research and learn to make homemade soap, I mean it couldn't be that hard right!? Well I was wrong! It took me a solid year to really study and become familiar with the science that goes behind soap making and exactly what products, ingredients and quantities to use before I was even ready to try making my first batch of soap. I learned during this whole process that the culprit for his eczema was the ingredients found in his baby soap. Even soap that is marketed for infants has some detergents and other chemicals which can and did irritate his skin. 

After researching and making countless different varieties of test batches (which I only used on myself) I was ready to finally start and send out samples to friends and family. After receiving their HONEST feedback and making the necessary recipe adjustments, VOILA, I had come up with some products that not only offered skin loving and nourishing ingredients but something gentle enough to use on even a toddler. I mean I don't know about you all, but I find absolute pleasure in using products where I can actually pronounce and identify the ingredients. This is my pledge to all my customers, "We make your products in small batches, with quality and meaningful ingredients to help feed your body's largest organ!" Each product is handcrafted for specific reasons and intentions, with your skin in mind.

While we do not make ANY health claims to our products, each ingredient used has a skin nourishing purpose and value. We like to detail all of the valuable properties in each ingredient so that you know exactly what you are using and what it is for. I want to sincerely thank each and every customer for taking a chance with US and our products. Thank for you becoming part of the Cocoa and Shea Soap Co tribe and allowing me to add some "Black Girl Magic" into your life!